Endowment Fund

Foundation for the Future

We believe OC Ministries has been God’s program all along and are looking forward to see what is in store for the future.  As has happened in the past, we are sure lives will be transformed.  Generations will be helped in our schools, churches and clinics.  Persons will understand their own culture after being immersed in another.  Women and men will receive a call to Christian service.  Persons will be reinvigorated to help heal a broken world at home and abroad. 


Our Endowment Fund helps us bridge the gap as annual operating funds naturally ebb and flow, so that no programs will have to be cut.  We are able to fund new programs as opportunities arise.  We are able to better respond to emergencies. Most importantly, we are able to cultivate long-term sustainability.


The OC Ministries Endowment Fund is invested in the Minnesota United Methodist Foundation.  It has a strong history of socially responsible investing and access to services and nationally recognized investment managers who rank among the best in the industry.  For more info, contact Val Walker, Executive Director.


“You work to make a living, you give to make a life.”  Larry Shelton