Current Projects


Avocado Project- Operation Crop

Jericho Vision- Operation Clear Vision
Each year OC Ministries provides around 5,000 pairs of glasses for those in need in north central Jamaica through a partnership with Lions International and Wesley Methodist Church in Browns Town, Jamaica.  Each February, a team of volunteers from MN (including an optometrist) works alongside volunteers from Wesley for six days distributing them.



Gipoh Township School, Ganta

This 12-room Vocational High School will train boys and girls in auto mechanics, building construction, carpentry, electricity, plumbing, arts, and agriculture in partnership with local farmers and women's groups.  Construction started in January, 2014.  One or two work teams/per year will be travelling there from Minnesota over the next couple of years to help the local people complete it.  Total cost is around $70k.


Sierra Leone:

Masorie Primary School, Mile 91

This Primary School, located in a major transportation hub of Sierra Leone, will provide an education for 400+ boys and girls, replacing the current school that has been condemned and torn down.  Construction will start in May, 2014.  We hope to send two or three teams there to help with its construction.  Total cost is around $65k.